Cold Water Meter Services
Who We Are
We are a water meter service company, with expertise in application and evaluation of cold water meters.
Our resolution is to eliminate water loss through diligent testing and maintenance of water meters.
Give us the opportunity to help you in areas of concern.
? Analysis
How is the performance of your meters?
We use best in class testing procedures.
? Recovery
What options do you have for detection and improvement?
Southern Flowmeter has serviced a wide variety of meters and applications. If you suspect problems we can advise you on the best methods to recover loss. Before problems arise we can detect a decrease in accuracy of the meters that can have a significant impact. The mechanical components of water meters lose efficiency with time, strictly causing a loss of water through the meter. Sometimes, the impact is large and immediate, leading to a noticeable difference in billing. Often though the change is slow and indistinguishable, and over a long period of time these decreases add up. The meter will operate well outside AWWA standards and can only be detected through diligent periodic testing and repair of the meter.
How Can We Help?
Municipal Utility Districts
Take advantage of our expertise and let us test your commercial meters. If you prefer, we can focus on your top users initially to give you the largest impact for your investment. We suggest testing of the following:
- Commercial Meters 1.5″ and Up
- Well and Surface Supply Meters
- District Interconnect Meters
Commercial Facilities
Small well meters and sub-meters are required to be tested for billing or credit purposes. We can provide your certification. We can also provide the following services:
- Meter repair and replacement
- Subsidence meter installation
- Surface meter installation
Operating Companies
When you suspect meter problems, allow us to verify them. When meters are definitely faulty, we can often return them within AWWA standards for less than the replacement cost.